Hebrew School Primary Program:
PreK/K: $1650 + $75 Book Fee
Grades 1 through 5: $2050 + $75 Book Fee
Grades 6 and 7: $2250 + $75 Book Fee
Bat Mitzvah Academy: $900 + $25 Book Fee
Tuition fee covers all weekly programs, both Hebrew language & Jewish programs, snacks & drinks.
No child will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please contact the office at 212-924-3200 to discuss further.
Program & Tuition Agreement
I hereby confirm my child’s enrollment in New York Hebrew’s afternoon school.
I represent that I am the custodial parent or legal guardian of the child that I am enrolling and that the information
I have provided is true and correct. I agree to New York Hebrew’s terms and conditions as outlined in the Parent Handbook (mailed to parents).
I fully understand that this enrollment, as part of my commitment to a long-term Jewish education at New York Hebrew, is accepted only on the basis of the full year program, and agree to pay the full annual fees accordingly. I understand that no refunds or adjustments will be made for absences including, but not limited to, illness or vacation.